Sabaari P.g. Accommodation in Chennai is one of the leading businesses in the AC Paying Guest Accommodations For Men.
Established in the year 2010, Sabaari P.g. Accommodation in Perungalathur- Tambaram West , Mens PG ( Paying Guest Accommodations )For Men in the Perungalathur -Tambaram West .Well-known established Best Mens Hostels For in Perungalathur Tambaram West one-stop destination servicing best service to our guests stays here different parts of Tamilnadu and other states .
We serve quality food and good accommodation which are major concerns while staying away from home to many working mens, we assure our guests always feel at home with a peaceful atmosphere.we believe that customer satisfaction is as important as their services, have helped us, continue to grow by the day.
Our Mens PG have very spacious rooms with all the amenities. We strive to serve Working mens -Students with the best of our ability and facilities for their peaceful and safe stay at our men’s hostel in Perungalthur Area. We are known for offer high quality rooms very reasonable costs for the two understudies also working men.
Our guests can enjoy all essential amenities near to our Mens hostel location such as Authorize Health Clinics and Hospitals - Medical Stores -Saloon and SPA"s -Provision stores -Petrol bunks -Bus Stand -Just 1 KMaway from Tambaram Railway Station Junction -Just 5 KMS away from International and Domestic Airport- Good Veg and Non Veg Hotels if they prefer sometimes